硕士 研究助理
联系邮箱: yixian@szu.edu.cn
2015.09 - 2018.06 西北大学 分析化学 硕士
2011.09 - 2015.06 安阳师范学院 化工与制药 本科
2022.09-至今 深圳大学高等研究院 研究助理;
2020.06-2022.08 中国科学院深圳先进院技术研究院研究助理,兼职色谱质谱平台设备工程师
2019.05-2020.05 中国农业科学院蜜蜂研究所 科研助理;
2018.08-2019.02 乐学在线教育科技(北京)有限公司 高中化学老师;
◆ Lingling Zhao, Xinwen Liang, Liming Wu, Zhongyin Zhang, Wei Cao, Xiaofeng Xue. Use of Isoquinoline Alkaloids as Markers for Identification of Honey and Pollen from Macleaya cordata (Willd.) R. Br. [J]. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2018, 66: 237-243.
◆赵玲玲,杜冰,曹炜,张中印. 超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法同时测定蜂蜜中8种生物胺[J]. 食品工业科技,2018, 39(4): 228-234.
◆Lingling Zhao, Suzhen Qi, Xinwen Lian, Jihao Shan, Wei Cao, Liming Wu, Xiaofeng Xue. Determination and distribution of biogenic amines in bee pollen [J]. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2017, 53(1): 166-173.
◆ Lingling Zhao, Mengjiao Yu, Minghui Sun, Xiaofeng Xue, Tongtong Wang, Wei Cao, Liping Sun. Rapid Determination of Major Compounds in the Ethanol Extract of Geopropolis from Malaysian Stingless Bees, Heterotrigona itama, by UHPLC-Q-TOF/MS and NMR [J]. Molecules, 2017, 22(11): 1935.
◆Caiyun Liu, Lingling Zhao, Zheng Sun, et al. Determination of three flavor enhancers using HPLC-ECD and its application in detecting adulteration of honey[J]. Analytical Methods, 2017, 743-748.
◆Zheng Sun, Lingling Zhao, Ni Cheng, et al. Identification of botanical origin of Chinese unifloral honeys by free amino acid profiles and chemometric methods[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2017, 7(5).
◆Minghui Sun, Lingling Zhao, Kai Wang, et al. Rapid identification of "mad honey" from Tripterygium wilfordii Hook. f. and Macleaya cordata (Willd) R. Br using UHPLC/Q-TOF-MS[J]. Food Chemistry, 2019, 294(OCT.1):67-72.
◆Sha Yan, Minghui Sun, Lingling Zhao, et al. Comparison of differences of α-dicarbonyl compounds between naturally matured and artificially heated acacia honey: their application to determine honey quality. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2019, 67(46), 12885-12894.